We were first introduced to EE through a presentation at our local Rotary Club. Personally, what attracted me to the organization was having the opportunity to be the difference in a child’s life. Thankfully, I always had a solid role model in my mother. Without the fortune of having her in my life, I could have been that student that needed someone. I want each of the students seeking an Elevator to know that someone in the world cares about them, no matter what may be going on in their lives.
Many employees say that their favorite day of the week is the day they’re able to visit their student. It’s important to Advantage to give back to the community in any way we have the opportunity. With the struggles West Virginia faces, it’s important to make an impact in the future of the state we call home; I can’t think of a better investment of time than improving the life of a child, encouraging them that they are worthy and capable.
-Nina Shell
Orders Construction partnered with Education Elevators in hopes of making at least a small improvement in our community and state over the long-term. Today’s elementary students are tomorrow’s citizens, and so many of those students lack a positive role model. Our Elevators can be those role models, and hopefully, at least one of us is making an impact that will last a lifetime.
The immediate impacts of the partnership have been to raise Orders Construction’s corporate profile in the community, and improve morale of our team members who see our company doing good things for local children.
Nate Orders, Owner
The Education Elevators Foundation has provided games and activities, answered questions when asked and been extremely helpful! Building a relationship between Central and Orders has been very rewarding.
Janette Peggs
"The program is very successful! I always enjoy recruiting new employees and seeing their excitement when meeting and interacting with their students."
-Amy Crist
Caitlin does a great job. I really appreciate the calendars in the sign-in book to help me alert EL’s to upcoming events. You are doing a great thing - please keep it up.
-Marie Long, Suttle & Stalnaker Elevator & Business Coordinator
The single most important thing I got out of being an Elevator is the feeling that I can help make a difference in the life of one child. Education Elevators is an incredible program. If it could continue to be scaled up in the Valley, it would have even more of an impact.
-Bryan Cokeley, Managing Partner
Education Elevators is a West Virginia based, non-profit organization that partners businesses and organizations with local schools to match their employees with students in need of mentors, role models, friendship, academic support, and individual attention.By impacting individual students, we respond to fundamental needs in our communities.Education Elevators is designed to facilitate and support meaningful mentoring partnerships of businesses and organizations with local elementary schools.
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