
We are simultaneously proud and humbled by the ongoing, positive impact that Education Elevators is making on individual lives and communities in West Virginia! Your donation – small or large – is an influential and far-reaching investment, yielding enhanced lives, broadened opportunities, and healthier communities throughout our state!

  • Every $1 dollar spent on effective mentoring programs yields a $4 dollar benefit to society. 
  • Youth mentoring programs can expect a $5 return for every $1 spent on youth intervention programs.

Ways to Donate

Donate Online

Donations can be made quickly and securely online.

The generous donations from people like you are what enable us to make a difference in the lives of the kids that need it most.

Donate by Mail

You may send a check payable to: 

Education Elevators Foundation
PO Box 11302
Charleston, WV 25339

Donate with a Stock Transfer

If you'd prefer to transfer a stock gift to Education Elevators please click on the link below on how to initiate the transfer.

Stock Transfer to EE

We greatly appreciate contributions of any size.  Consider making a tax deductible donation today and join us in helping kids take flight!

Additional options for donating to Education Elevators

We are always in need of books, art and crafts supplies, games, costumes, computers, sports equipment, puzzles and other items that Elevators and students can use in their meetings.

How Will Your Donation Be Used? 

The Education Elevators Foundation has zero overhead expenses. Thus, we devote every donation we receive directly to the Education Elevators program rather than using donations to pay utilities or other costs that are “non-elevating” expenses. 

Your donation will:

  • Help fund our program coordinators. These are retired and current employees of the Kanawha and Berkeley County Schools who provide much-needed advice and counseling support to our Elevators as they build relationships with their students. 
  • Enable us to purchase books, games, arts & crafts, sports equipment, and project materials for Elevators and students to use.
  • Support background checks and the vetting process.
  • Support the critical initial and ongoing training that we provide to Elevators.

Special Donations

  • Let us know if you want your donation to meet a specific need. 
  • We welcome your in-kind donation of books, games, puzzles, sports equipment, and other items that Elevators and students can use in their meetings. To make an in-kind donation, contact: 

Our Corporate Partners


Education Elevators is a West Virginia based, non-profit organization that partners businesses and organizations with local schools to match their employees with students in need of mentors, role models, friendship, academic support, and individual attention.By impacting individual students, we respond to fundamental needs in our communities.Education Elevators is designed to facilitate and support meaningful mentoring partnerships of businesses and organizations with local elementary schools.

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