I've been an Elevator since 2017, and haven't looked back since the first day I walked into Piedmont. The consistent time commitment can seem like a lot-30 minutes once a week-but it is worth it. You may play basketball every week. Or, if you have a student like mine, you may play Connect 4 and Uno often. It isn't being a tutor. It isn't being a substitute parent. It isn't being a social worker. It is just giving that child 30 minutes of undivided attention a week, and instilling confidence in these wonderful children. I'm forever changed because of the thirty minutes a week I spend with my student.
Grace Hurney
Gracie has been more patient and eager to collaborate since I started to visit. In the beginning it was very hard to get her to interact and feel comfortable.
Amber Rutherford
The single most important thing I get out of this program is knowing that a little bit of time goes a long way for a student and helps them succeed in school and life.
Lance King
My relationship with my student is exceptionally good. I felt like I connected with Kimber in the beginning and saw her really open up and enjoy our time together. She trusts me and I'm there to listen and give support and uplift her. I let her know that she is a shining star to everyone she comes across and try to build up her confidence in herself.
The single most important thing I get out of this program is knowing that I'm helping my student. I'm showing her compassion and teaching her how to be a responsible human being and that an education is important. We love building with Legos - she has a wonderful imagination!
Kim Savilla
The most valuable thing I got out of being an Elevator was learning that some kids need an outlet, not necessarily to speak about their feelings, just someone to play a game with, but they also know that person cares for them.
Chelsey Atkins
Ryland is less impulsive; more open and trusting. I love this program because it gives me the satisfaction of making a child's life better.
Nate Orders
I know Emily enjoys the consistent attention she only sometimes gets from home. She is shy, and the program helps her to grow and expand her thinking capacities.
Amanda Holstein
The improvement I've seen in David's social skills and emotional health is great. He used to have a stutter that has completely gone away. I'm not sure if that was from nerves, but I see it as a significant step. Now he seems to want to focus more on school and learning.
Daniel Fields
I truly value the time I have spent with Lebron. We have been together since he was in the third-grade at Mary C. Snow Elementary through the seventh-grade last year at West Side Middle School. I have seen him grow as a person and become much more open in discussing his challenges and successes with me. I know he has a difficult home environment, so I feel that he needs an outlet-not necessarily for him to open up about everything going on in his life, but just someone to talk to about sports, movies, sneakers, to play checkers with, and to throw a football with.
Jace Goins
The single most important thing I get out of this experience is gaining perspective from working with a child who is disadvantaged.
Marcus Black
I really enjoy the time I spend with Christina. When I am with her, I slow down and stay in the moment. She came out of her shell and started telling me more of what she would like to do during our time together.
Kelly Whitlock
I feel being an Elevator has definitely increased my confidence in talking to and working with children. I would like to see more of my coworkers become Elevators.
Jacqueline Keene
I had a great year getting to know Liam, and watching him gain confidence throughout the year; and I am thrilled that he asked me to continue coming to see him in Middle School.
Horace Emery
Education Elevators is a West Virginia based, non-profit organization that partners businesses and organizations with local schools to match their employees with students in need of mentors, role models, friendship, academic support, and individual attention.By impacting individual students, we respond to fundamental needs in our communities.Education Elevators is designed to facilitate and support meaningful mentoring partnerships of businesses and organizations with local elementary schools.
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